February 4th is World Cancer Day. This year’s campaign is ‘I am and I will’ and challenges people all over the globe to raise awareness, take action and face cancer head on.
World Cancer Day is designed to empower communities and individuals across the world to show support, raise our collective voice, take personal action and press our governments to do more to find a cure for cancer.
It is the only day on the global health calendar where supporters unite and rally under the one banner of cancer, in a positive and inspiring way.
Doing our bit
Since 2014 we have supported Tamworth-based charity Help Us Help Others (HUHO). This gives us the opportunity to raise money for local causes that really need it. We take pride in being able to give back to the local community in any way we can. Through fundraising, charity events and donations we have managed to raise nearly £30,000 to help those who have and still are suffering with cancer. Here are just a few of the people we have helped so far …

The Lillian Goodfellow Group of Friends (LGGF) was formed by Julie Hayward after the tragic passing of her mother, Lilian Goodfellow.
Ever since then, Julie Hayward and a group of her friends have endeavoured to raise money for the Marie Curie Hospice in Solihull.

Clare grady lennon
Clare Grady Lennon, a 35 year old mother of 3 is one of the ladies we helped raise funds for through our charity of choice, (HUHO).
Clare is battling stage 4 melanoma cancer. She was diagnosed at the age of 25 after finding an abnormal mole on her knee.

Sofia Gardella
Sofia Gardella is a 5 year old who we helped to raise money for in our annual Purslow Memorial Football Tournament.
Sofia has an extremely rare genetic condition called (CAMT) Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopeniav.

Anne-Marie Purslow
Anne-Marie Purslow was 35 year old, life-long Blues fan and well loved member of the Tamworth community.
She suffered with an extremely rare condition called Pseudomyxoma Peritonei, that affects only 6 people in the UK .
i am and i will
Share your personal commitment to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and the world. #IAmAndWill worldcancerday.org.
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