Simple & Powerful Network Solution: Meraki Switching

Simple and very powerful, Meraki switches are the foundation to your network. They are the industry’s first-line cloud managed switches that combine the benefits of cloud-based centralised management with a powerful, reliable and accessible platform. This cloud-based management means that thousands of switch ports can be configured at once, regardless of the physical location.

Meraki switches use the latest security protocols and tools to allow you to see the status and nature of your network in a real time scenario.  Switches come in all sizes and shapes to ensure you purchase the right one for your needs from day one.

Moreover, all switches call into the cloud portal to allow changes to be done in an instant. They come with hot exchangeable hardware to ensure if any hardware was to fail the replacement does not result in down time.


Layer 3 scalability

 Build large, resilient networks using dynamic routing protocols and warm spare technology

Virtual Stacking

Simultaneously configure thousands of ports across standalone and physically stacked switches, regardless of location.

Layer 7 visibility

Meraki switches make it easy to understand how valuable network resources are being used.

Remote Live Up to the date tools

Powerful tools for identifying and correcting issues, even from thousands of miles away.

Enterprise Security

Protect the wired network from both external and internal threats.

Multigigabit Ethernet

Provide the higher performance demanded by the latest access points over existing cabling.

a Real world application – Watmos Community Homes

As a business, Watmos Community Homes had a network that had grown organically and over time, network admins added more and more hardware. This included additional network switches when there was a need for additional users, IP handsets etc. The network was old and technical features were limited. There was no way of knowing how many switch ports were available and it relied on old documentation which was easy to miss when patching in a single user. This then became out of date and the data was useless.

This meant admins needed to go to site to look at the switch and see if there were spare ports available. These visits took time out of the network admins day and as we all know, the biggest cost to any business is time. What if the network admin got to site, and realised there was no spare ports available? There would be another visit needed, at an additional cost, to replace or add a new switch. These are the problems with old, outdated technology.

Watmos have recently re-designed their whole network and introduced Cisco Meraki. Cisco Meraki has given Watmos network admins the ability to manage their network from their desks via the intuitive, cloud managed dashboard.


Want to find out how you can save on operational costs with meraki switching? Here’s 6 ways moving to cloud-based switching can save you money.

It’s smart …

Let’s look at the use case mentioned above. With Cisco Meraki switches, network admins will be able to log into the cloud-managed dashboard to view and manage their network devices. They can log onto the network and see their devices to identify spare ports, so they can simply advise the end user where to connect a new connection. To assist with this, there is an even better feature. You can blink the LEDs on the switch so the end user can identify the piece of equipment the network admin is working on.

This isn’t the only cool feature of the Meraki switches. They come with an array of tools to manage and troubleshoot network issues so you can run a cable test from the switch itself. This means that the network admin can do everything he would normally do at a visit site. Plus, as with all Cisco Meraki devices, they come with lifetime warranty and lifetime software upgrades.

Adding new hardware to existing Meraki networks has also never been easier. As soon as a network admin has the order details and the serial number of the device, they can add the new switch to the network in advance before they even have it. This way, the new equipment can be shipped to site and the plug and play deployment will be complete. The new device will connect into the network, reach out to the Meraki cloud and download its config. It will then display on the organisations dashboard for admins to manage moving forward.

“Cisco Meraki is a smart approach to new networking, although there is an initial investment in the technology, I would recommend cloud managed products such as Cisco Meraki to boost productivity and save on operational expenditure.” – Nick Matthews


We offer free demos and free trials to clients who think they may benefit from the Cisco Meraki Switching. It’s simple to deploy and gives you         real-time results that we’re confident you’ll love. Don’t believe us? Why not try it for yourself?



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