As part of an ongoing growth plan, Pure Cloud Solutions have recently added Network Innovations, soon to be known as PCS IT Services, to the wider PCS group. This means that we no longer have to out-source IT support for our customers.
By keeping IT support in-house, it also allows us to offer our clients a more streamlined service than ever before. As a managed service provider, this is key in us making communications simple.
To cope with the increase in demand for our IT support services, we have added a new addition to the team over in Bournville. A huge and warm welcome to Abbie Salter, our new help-desk technician.
Abbie will help with remote and face-to-face IT support for our new and existing clients. And she has already got stuck in and made an impact! We caught up with Abbie to get find out how she’s getting on since joining PCS group.
Welcome to the Team Abbie!
Charlotte (C): Hi Abbie! Welcome to the PCS group! It’s great to have you on board! How long have you been with the company now?
Abbie (A): Thank you! It’s great to be here. About three months now.
C: And how are you finding it?
A: Busy! A lot busier than I thought it would be, but that’s good. I hate not having things to do. It’s also been a good challenge for me which is great – I LOVE a challenge!
C: What does a typical day look like for you?
A: Well I answer a lot of calls and reply to a lot of emails. But mostly, I tend to do remote support. So when a customer calls in with an issue, I log on remotely and have a little nose to find out what is causing the problem. If I can’t help, then I gather all the information that I’ve found and pass it onto a colleague to get their opinion.
C: That’s great! Are you enjoying it?
A: Definitely! One of the best things about IT support is the feeling you get when you help someone. When someone can’t do something or they have a problem, knowing that my support has helped them to continue working so they can get on with their day, is so satisfying!

Abbie & IT Support at PCS Group
C: I can imagine! So what made you want to join PCS?
A: Well, I heard about you guys though a friend from my IT apprenticeship. He always spoke really highly of PCS and suggested that I apply for a position. I spoke to Mark, IT Director, and the rest is history as they say!
C: And what do you think to the people – are they treating you well?
A: You know what, everyone, and I mean everyone, has been so nice. There’s nobody that causes trouble and everyone is just so lovely. It’s such a great team here and every really helps each other out. Whenever you have a problem or are stuck, there’s always someone to lend a helping hand. They drop their pens, rush over to your desk and get stuck in with the problem. You don’t sit there for 10 minutes thinking “oh I don’t know what to do,” because everyone is always so supportive no matter what!
C: That’s so great to hear they’ve made you feel so welcome! And have you got a specific job you’ve done since arriving where you feel you’ve really made a difference?
A: Actually yes. The commercial team at Birmingham City Football Club were having a refresh of their office and so for a short while, they had to move into another area. Myself and one of the guys went along and had to move them all, printers, machines – the lot. Then once they were done, we had to move them all back, setting up new ports and making sure everything was as smooth for the client as possible. It was a big job, but all the staff there commented on how well the transition went and how it had hardly effected their day to day because of our hard work. That was a great feeling.
A childhood interest becomes a career …
C: So what got you into IT support? Not many women or girls think of it as a career …
A: To be honest, during secondary school I really started to dislike it. The teaching of it was poor at school and it wasn’t until my final year when they started to actually teach us some in-depth IT that was interesting. But by that point it was too late and I had decided to do animal care at college. As much as I liked animal care, as the course went on, I started to realise it wasn’t really the career for me. I starting thinking about other things I enjoyed. One of these was IT support.
C: So what did you do?
A: Well I’ve always liked it. When I was a kid I used to like games consoles and PC’s. I used to watch my brother building PC’s from scratch and I used to get really jealous becuase I couldn’t do it too. So I thought, why not do an IT apprenticeship and learn more about it. So that’s what I did. From there I met Dom and when he told me about Pure Cloud, it sounded like a great place to work!
C: It is a great place to work! So what are your hopes for the future with PCS group?
A: At the moment, I’m really enjoying what I’m doing. But maybe in the future I’d like to progress into management roles. There is lots of potential here. The clients ar great, the people are awesome and I love the work. IT support is something I’m good at and enjoy so for now, I’m happy with that!
We’re so pleased to have you on board Abbie and we can’t wait to follow your ambitious journey with PCS group!

Think you've got what it takes?
We’re always looking for hard-working and talented individuals to join our growing team at PCS group. Whether you’re an awesome VoIP engineer, an IT wizard, a customer support guru or a solid sales person, why not send us your CV and start your PCS journey today. You never know where it might take you!
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