Cybsafe Training
Cybsafe Training
When it comes to cyber security, human error is the biggest factor and usually the most overlooked. Research suggests that the human element of cyber security accounts for 95% of all cyber breaches experienced by businesses in the UK.
That’s because the combination of a lack of education and general awareness of cyber security across a business creates an environment that is liable to cyber breaches. Cyber criminals take advantage of this human vulnerability and implement attacks that rely on their involvement.
Businesses need to understand the threats associated with cyber security and how they can best manage the risks that the lack of staff education and training presents.
New cyber threats develop daily and making sure your staff are kept up to date with regular training and workshops, is key to your security.
Cybsafe is a good place to start when it comes to staff training. Cybsafe takes into consideration the human element of cyber security and aims to change human behaviour in your organisation to reduce your cyber risk.
The platform trains staff so they have the knowledge, ability and confidence to recognise and prevent any cyber threats an organisation may face. This involves changing how humans think and feel to create a cyber-security culture that works.
Cybsafe constantly improve and adapt training to assure they cover the latest threats and trends. Unlike traditional security awareness training, it is also very interactive and intuitive.
As the platform is cloud-based it can be easily accessed by anyone, anywhere making it the perfect solution for businesses in any industry.
Features & Benefits:
- Personalised portal
- Easy reporting
- Accessible anywhere
- Raise awareness & improve behaviours
- Add metrics for better cyber risk decisions
- Measure culture & improve attitudes
- Simulate common cyber attacks
- Interactive training for all users
- Support & assist your employees
Can pure cloud help?
Need more information on what Pure Cloud Solutions can offer?
We can help you to improve your employees cyber security knowledge through Cybsafe so you can empower your staff and tackle cyber-crime head on. Get in touch to discuss how it works and claim your free demo.
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